You'll be aware of the limitations on group activities, but no working parties are planned in the wood for the time being. You'll be fine walking through the wood if you maintain a safe distance from anyone else. Be aware that the coronavirus can survive for varying lengths of time on different surfaces, including metal and plastics. If you touch the metal rail by the bus stop or a dog poo bin, for example, you should be especially careful to wash your hands when you get home.
The talk about bees by Hawk Honey (yes, it's his real name!) from
Suffolk Wildlife Trust that was planned by Jane Jones for 23rd March at the Rose & Crown has been cancelled. Please pass this on to anyone you know who might have been planning to go.

We planned to arrange another day in the wood for the school with the lovely people from
the Green Light Trust. We'd been trying to raise the money, which has to come out of our limited funds, but the Coronavirus has put a stop to that. Maybe the children who enjoyed the last one so much might spend their time at home bug-hunting in the garden, building a bug hotel, or otherwise discovering the wonders of the natural world? Now that spring is here there's a lot to see. They could make their own
nature table. Search 'Young Naturalists' online for books and resources.
We hoped to have an AGM soon, but that's got to be postponed too. Among other things, we need to update our constitution, which was written over 13 years ago, and add to the committee. If you are interested, get in touch anyway. See the 'Get in Touch' tab at the top of the page. We'd also like to start a 'Friends of Buckle's Wood' group. It would be open to anyone who's able to help us promote and care for our wood. Young people would be especially welcome, as the wood will outlive us all and it's good to ensure there are people to look after it for years to come. If that interests you, see the 'Get in Touch' tab.
James Buckle, who allowed us to grow the wood on his land so we named it after him, has offered to replace the bridge over the ditch from the Meadow with something more substantial, which will be good. Some of his staff were responsible for digging the pond, which has filled up over the wet winter.

We were very grateful to all those who contributed towards the cost of the new bench. The donations were more than enough to cover it, but only because one donor was exceptionally generous. Our costs include the contractors who do routine maintenance and activities like the children's days, so we're always looking for funds. The organisation is all voluntary and most of it's done by Sue Mackie. If you have any ideas, please let us know, and if you can make an occasional or regular donation, see the 'How to Donate' tab above.
Thank you to everyone who helped us last year. Stay safe, and enjoy the calming influence of Nature to take your mind off the health crisis.