Sunday 21 June 2020

The wood in June

Matthew Garnham took these two photos of  orchids.
Bee Orchid

Pyramidal Orchid

This is the time of year when nature  really starts to wake up and there is usually something new to spot--even if you walk the paths every day!

The path that cuts across the middle of wood always looks glorious with this stretch of  Birdsfoot- Trefoil -often called" bacon and eggs"- lining one edge.

There are loads of Cinnibar Moths flying  about in the sunshine. Their yellow and black caterpillars will feed on the Ragwort during the summer months. 


Sunday 10 May 2020

Pond life

The Blue Chaser dragonfly was flying around the pond yesterday with a shy female yellow one.
I also spotted two newts, but didn't manage to take a photo!

Matt Garnham took this photo of a Hornet having a drink at the edge of the pond.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Natural stress reduction

It's well known that spending time, even only a short time, in green spaces is good for our mental health. Now, when Coronavirus induced stress levels are high, anyone who suffers from depression and anxiety must find things especially challenging. So turn off the news and sit or walk outside, taking advantage of our rural surroundings and gardens, even when it's dull and grey outside. You're likely to feel better for it. The wood is still there, the birds are still there, and the clouds are still there.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Spring News

You'll be aware of the limitations on group activities, but no working parties are planned in the wood for the time being. You'll be fine walking through the wood if you maintain a safe distance from anyone else. Be aware that the coronavirus can survive for varying lengths of time on different surfaces, including metal and plastics. If you touch the metal rail by the bus stop or a dog poo bin, for example, you should be especially careful to wash your hands when you get home.

The talk about bees by Hawk Honey (yes, it's his real name!) from Suffolk Wildlife Trust that was planned by Jane Jones for 23rd March at the Rose & Crown has been cancelled. Please pass this on to anyone you know who might have been planning to go.

We planned to arrange another day in the wood for the school with the lovely people from the Green Light Trust. We'd been trying to raise the money, which has to come out of our limited funds, but the Coronavirus has put a stop to that. Maybe the children who enjoyed the last one so much might spend their time at home bug-hunting in the garden, building a bug hotel, or otherwise discovering the wonders of the natural world? Now that spring is here there's a lot to see. They could make their own nature table. Search 'Young Naturalists' online for books and resources.

We hoped to have an AGM soon, but that's got to be postponed too. Among other things, we need to update our constitution, which was written over 13 years ago, and add to the committee. If you are interested, get in touch anyway. See the 'Get in Touch' tab at the top of the page. We'd also like to start a 'Friends of Buckle's Wood' group. It would be open to anyone who's able to help us promote and care for our wood. Young people would be especially welcome, as the wood will outlive us all and it's good to ensure there are people to look after it for years to come. If that interests you, see the 'Get in Touch' tab.

James Buckle, who allowed us to grow the wood on his land so we named it after him, has offered to replace the bridge over the ditch from the Meadow with something more substantial, which will be good. Some of his staff were responsible for digging the pond, which has filled up over the wet winter.

We were very grateful to all those who contributed towards the cost of the new bench. The donations were more than enough to cover it, but only because one donor was exceptionally generous. Our costs include the contractors who do routine maintenance and activities like the children's days, so we're always looking for funds. The organisation is all voluntary and most of it's done by Sue Mackie. If you have any ideas, please let us know, and if you can make an occasional or regular donation, see the 'How to Donate' tab above.

Thank you to everyone who helped us last year. Stay safe, and enjoy the calming influence of Nature to take your mind off the health crisis.

Wednesday 29 January 2020

The new bench

A new bench has been installed to replace one that was provided to mark the retirement of former school headteacher, Paul Marshall. It rotted after a good few years of use. This one has been treated with several coats of preservative, so we're hoping it'll last at least as long.

Tom Hitchcock collected the components.
They were delivered with an essential spanner.

Chris Reilly offered a steadying hand.

Mac dug two rather big holes.

It was hard work and took some time,
but it looks good!

Two happy dog walkers were first to try it out.
We'd like to thank all the villagers who contributed towards the project through the website and through Marion in the Post Office, where donations were handed in. We were also grateful to receive the profits from one of the community coffee mornings at the Methodist Church. Altogether we received more than enough to pay for the new bench. The rest will be used to maintain the wood and to provide activities for the children from the school, among other things.

We're always grateful for financial help, as although most of the work is done by volunteers (more are always welcome), there are ongoing costs involved with ensuring that the wood continues to thrive. If you would like to make a donation through this blog, the instructions are under the 'How to Donate' tab above.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Small woodlands are just as important as forests

"Small woodlands in farmland have more benefits for humans per area, compared to large forests, according to a new study. The small woodlands, sometimes even smaller than a football field, can easily go unnoticed in agricultural landscapes. Yet, these small forest remnants can store more carbon in the topsoil layer, are more suitable for hunting activities and host fewer ticks than large forests."

We're not planning to do any hunting in Buckle's Wood, but read more about the research from Stockholm University.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Community Coffee Morning

9 - 11am, Thursday 14th November, Methodist Church

The lovely people who run the community coffee mornings have offered to donate the proceeds of tomorrow's event to our funds, which is appreciated, so please go along and enjoy. Sue Mackie plans to be there and will be happy to tell you about the wood, how it started, and what we'll do next. We're installing a new bench to replace the broken one (see previous post) and are planning to provide more activity days for the school and some equipment for keen naturalists of all ages to use.

New seat

This is the new seat we've ordered for the wood. It'll soon be installed to replace the broken one, thanks to everyone who answered our appeal for funds. We hope you'll enjoy sitting on it.