There was a fair breeze that may have suppressed some songsters, but they did not prevent the following being seen/heard. I have added a few comments where appropriate.
Greenfinch - four birds in the dead elms in the east hedge. Most likely nesting in the hedge.
Blackbird - a male singing on the wires by the north hedge.
Yellowhammer - a male singing on the wires to the north of the field. It then moved in to the north hedge and seemed very agitated. Likely to be nesting in there. Yellowhammers like a hedgerow to have some tall trees which they favour as song-posts.
House Martin - one over the fields.
Mistle Thrush - male singing by the hall.
Blue Tit - feeding in the east hedge.
Wren - singing in the north hedge.
Carrion Crow.
Whitethroat - one calling in the east hedge (north-east corner of the field).
Green Woodpecker - heard one 'yaffling' nearby.
Dunnock - male singing in the south hedge.
Great Tit - a pair by the bridge.
Sparrowhawk - a female flew out of the west hedge clutching what looked like a Blue Tit.
Stock Dove - a pair flew out of the south hedge. These are a hole-nesting dove (Wood Pigeons and Collared Doves make a flimsy twig nest) and I suspect they are breeding near to the field.
There was a fantastic male Orange Tip butterfly in the north-west corner of the field.
Lovely to see the saplings growing and the hedge thickening out. It makes for a fantastic habitat and a good shelter belt for the young trees in the field as well.
Hope all is well in the village.
To find out more about the birds and butterfly Mark saw, click on the links.
Illustration of an orange tip butterfly from the RSPB website.
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