This photo of our stall at the school's fayre was taken last year. Lots of people enjoying the sunshine, buying raffle tickets and Buckle's Wood bags!
After weeks of sunshine and no rain, the prospect of heavy showers for this year's fete on Saturday, is not good. But we shall be there with our gazebo, hoping that the rain lands on Buckle's Wood and not on the meadow.
There will be super prizes to be won in our raffle and lots of bargains on the nearby stall belonging to the school's recycling centre.
Moth Hunt

Yes, I know it's a Red Admiral butterfly, not a moth, but I'm hoping to take loads of photos on the 31st May, when Tony Prichard will be leading our moth hunt. The evening will start with refreshments at 8.45, and finish late! Tony is Suffolk's moth expert and is not charging us for this event. You will find lots information about and photos of moths on his
Numbers will be limited, so if you would like to join in with the fun send an email to