Sunday, 16 August 2009

Sunny Sunday

Last Sunday was the first time in ages that I've been able to linger in Buckle's Wood, with my camera.

Lots of butterflies, especially little brown ones, that were very mobile and difficult to photo

These two were the best of the rest

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly on thistle seeds Lovely to see this as they have been rather scarce over the last few years.

Painted Lady. I've never seen one before!

I spotted this in the vegetation by the side of the footpath that leads to the wood. A spider guarding its web.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Blanche's Bench

Blanche was always part of the steering group. She was determined that our trees would get planted and she would have many years to enjoy watching them grow. Sadly, that wasn't to be.

We thought that the most appropriate spot for her bench would be in the middle of the wood, with the trees growing all around, but I think that we shall have to cut down of the nearby vegetation, before we have her total approval. She was a bit prickly about thistles!

Photos from Alison Grant