Had a message from the RSPB, as follows:
BirdTrack is an online bird recording scheme that allows you to store and manage your birdwatching records from around Britain and Ireland.
Taking part couldn't be easier - just register as a recorder (it's free), then start to enter your valuable bird records.
From casual records, to full species lists for a site, all the collected information helps fill gaps in our knowledge of numbers, distribution and movements of birds, which in turn feeds into conservation decisions made by organisations like ourselves.
As well as providing a comprehensive record of what you have seen, with your permision all submitted records are also made available to your county bird recorder.
Animated maps are available through the BirdTrack pages and show the arrival and departure of migrants, as well as the seasonal movements of birds at both a local and national level.
In partnership with the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and BirdWatch Ireland, BirdTrack was launched in 2004 and has since gone from strength to strength. With your help we can continue to gather unique and fascinating information on Britain and Ireland's birds.
Click to sign up here.