Men at Work
Jim Wallden and Simon from Haskett Ltd, demonstrated the ancient art of hedge laying and then guided our group of novices. The bench near the Barn Owl box was re-located towards the back of the woodland. Two perching posts were placed amongst the trees, to encourage the barn owls to hunt over and make their home in our woodland. Another sturdy bench ( made by John Lee) was positioned on the west ride.
All the mulch that was donated by Eco -Sytems Ltd. was spread around the trees. The mulch that was donated by Ben Norwood, was collected and left in a couple of heaps, ready for the children to use round their trees.
We now have a seating area, to be used as an outdoor classroom, made tree trunk, which was cut up and donated by James Hitchcock.
So, THANK YOU to everyone who helped, especially James Buckle, who sponsored the hedge laying workshop and to prove that we really did work hard here's a photo that I took when the sun nearly came out!