Many people will be planting their own trees that they have donated to our woodland. Of these, 45 will be native oaks. I wonder if any of these trees will grow to be 800 years old, like Old Knobbley, who was featured in last week's East Anglian Daily Times and is mentioned in Archie Miles' latest book Hidden Trees of England. Archie Miles also wrote The Trees that Made Britain, a copy of which will be one of the prizes in our RAFFLE. The Powergen energy saving box, which includes the Eco Kettle is also one of the prizes.
Members of the Steering Group will be busy beforehand, getting everything ready for planting, and our souper chefs will be cooking up a feast for lunch (and tea, coffee and cakes for extras. We hope that that this will be another enjoyable and memorable event for all.
See you there!!!