Thursday, 7 September 2006


At the Steering Group meeting on 6th September, EGGS elected the following people as officers for the year: Chair – Sue Mackie; Vice-Chair – Jackie Parkinson; Secretary – Margaret Nelson, with help from Jackie Parkinson and Alison Grant; Treasurer – Sue Gull; School liaison – Alison Grant and Hilary Furlong.

Hilary reported on the recent visit by Babergh Tree Wardens to the village, which included Buckle’s Wood. The wardens made constructive comments on the management of the hedges to encourage wildlife.

The steering group is going to buy a collection of tools for the use of volunteers on working parties. The first will be on 14th October, when we’ll be cutting and raking the grass prior to the next big planting session on 18th November.

We’ll need a big turnout on both days, so please note them in your diaries NOW –

Saturday 14th October and Saturday 18th November, starting at 10am.

Back to school

The children are back at Elmsett School this week. These are some of the pieces of work they did about EGGS last year, chosen at random. We look forward to seeing more.