Elmsett Greenlife Grove Scheme’s first tree-planting day on Saturday 14th January was a huge success. About a hundred people from Elmsett and surrounding villages came to help, so all the trees and shrubs were planted in about an hour and the weather was kind to us. Buckle’s Wood, our community woodland, has been named after landowner James Buckle, who came to plant a few trees and offer his encouragement.
The planting was mentioned several times on BBC Radio Suffolk and reported in the local newspapers.
Thanks are due to Grenville Clark (People Planting Team Leader from the Green Light Trust), Sue Mackie (EGGS Secretary), Alison Grant (EGGS/School liaison), and James Hitchcock (who built the bridge over the ditch). Thanks to all the steering group members who’ve helped us get this far, the suppliers of all the delicious home made soup provided for our volunteer tree-planters, and all the children who helped to make it such an enjoyable morning.
The EGGS team is pleased to report that our application for funding from the Forestry Commission’s English Woodland Grants Scheme has been successful. We should receive our first payment in the spring. Meanwhile, we’ve been approached by people who’d like to contribute money or trees and will make arrangements to receive donations soon.
Elmsett School will plant the trees they’ve grown in the tree nursery and those they’ve been donated on 27th January. There’ll be working parties over the next few months to add more mulch, etc., and the next big planting will be in November. We planted small ‘whips’, less than 3’ high, in slits made with a spade and then trodden in, so don’t be put off helping next time by the thought of having to dig big holes for big trees – it’s not like that. If anyone is interested in helping us in any way and hasn’t already told us, please get in touch with Sue Mackie on 01473 658297.