The children had spent the morning at the Green Light Trusts' HQ and woodland at Lawshall. After lunch, back at the school, they had a slide show, provided by the trust. Each class in turn planted some tree seedlings in the new tree nursery, and after playime there were stories and poems, written by the children, outside under the ash tree.
When all the guests were assembled, Grenville Clark from the trust gave a Rainforest Blessing and some children planted a red hawthorn tree next to the school flagpole, photographed for the press. A time capsule full of messages from the children went into the hole.
Then everyone went indoors for a celebration tea, prepared by generous volunteers.
At 4 o'clock members of the steering group, Paul Marshall, the school's head teacher, and Grenville, met a local landowner, James Buckle, who came to discuss the possibility of providing some land for our woodland. We have accepted his generous offer of about six acres next to the school, and hope to begin planting trees this November, once all the necessary paperwork has been completed.
It seems that we will be eligible for funding from a variety of sources, including the county and district councils, so were very optimistic about development of our woodland scheme.